The Headlines

Monday, April 7, 2008

A first-time winner at the Zurich Classic of New Orleans / Un nou învingător la Zurich Classic în New Orleans

Andres Romero during his final round at TPC Louisiana

Credit:Reed Saxon - Associated Press

As the PGA TOUR headed to Louisiana, for the Zurich Classic of New Orleans, people were waiting for a new winner to emerge, as the TPC Louisiana is famous for bringing about many first-time winners on the tour. Five out of the last six winners there carded a first-ever victory, with only Vijay Singh breaking this “tradition” in 2004.

The 26-year-old Andres Romero from Argentina was competing in what was only his 12th PGA TOUR start and had a rough start in the first round with a 1-over par score of 73. The best scores on Thursday were made by Dean Wilson (-6), Briny Baird, Peter Lonard and Chez Reavie (-5).

After Friday’s round in which the top 20 scores had previously scored in the 70’s in the first round, the cut was made at even par. The best round was a 6-under 66 from the South-African Tim Clark.

The third round was when Andres Romero came into contention with a 7-under 65 which extended over two days due to bad weather. He was tied for second on Sunday morning after completing his fabulous third, in an ascending trend 73 69 65.

John Merrick had the 54-hole lead with two 67s and an even par round in the first round.

On Sunday afternoon, Romero had an early tee-time and after conjuring up a score 4-under to bring his tournament total to -13, he waited in the clubhouse for the others to finish. Lonard had a long birdie putt on the 72nd green to tie the lead, but missed and finished second.

Romero’s wait had payed off and he became the sixth first-time winner in new Orleans in the last 7 years. His best performance until the Zurich Classic was a third place at the 2007 British Open, which assured him his 2008 PGA TOUR card. Now he has earned himself an exemption up until 2010. He plans to use it.

Here are the final results:

1ARGAndres Romero-13|73696568
2AUSPeter Lonard-12|67707069
3NZLTim Wilkinson-11|71687167
T4IREPadraig Harrington-10|71706869
T4USAWoody Austin-10|69716771
T4USANicholas Thompson-10|69716771
T7USATim Petrovic-9|74686671
T7USAJohn Merrick-9|72676773
T7USATommy Armour III-9|70687566


Woody Austin during his third round

Credit: Reed Saxon - Associated Press

Peter Lonard preparing for a putt during his third round

Credit: Chris Graythen - Getty Images

Play was suspended on Saturday due to inclement weather

Credit: Reed Saxon - Associated Press


Cum PGA Tour se îndrepta către Louisiana, pentru Zurich Classic în New Orleans, se aştepta apariţia unui nou învingător, traseul TPC Louisiana fiind faimos pentru numărul de jucători care au obţinut prima lor victorie în tur aici. Cinci din ultimele 6 turnee au dat astfel de învingători, doar Vijay Singh întrerupând această "tradiţie" în 2004.

Argentinianul de 26 de ani Andres Romero participa la doar al 12-lea turneu al său în PGA Tour şi a început greu cu un scor de 1 peste par (73). Cele mai bune runde de joi au aparţinut lui Dean Wilson (-6), Brinz Baird, Peter Lonard, Chez Reavie (-5).

După runda de vineri, în care primii 20 de jucători avuseseră scoruri între 70 şi 80 în prima zi, linia de cut s-a tras la even par. Cea mai bună performanţă a fost obţinută de sud-africanul Tim Clark cu un 6-sub-par 66.

A treia rundă a fost cea în care Romero a revenit în lupta pentru victorie cu un 7-sub-par 65, care s-a întins pe două zile din cauza vremii rele. Duminică dimineaţa era deja la egalitate pe locul 2, într-un trend ascendent de la începutul turneului: 73 69 65.

John Merrick conducea după 54 de cupe, cu două runde de 67 şi una de even par.

Duminică după-masă, Romero a fost programat mai devreme decât contracandidaţii la victorie şi după ce a reuşit un scor de 4-sub-par, ajungând astfel la -13 la total, a început să aştepte sosirea celorlalţi în clubhouse. Lonard ar fi putut să-l egaleze cu un birdie la a 72-a cupă, dar a ratat şi a încheiat pe locul 2.

Aşteptarea lui Romero a meritat şi a devenit astfel a şaselea câştigător inedit în ultimii şapte ani la New Orleans. Cea mai bună performanţă a lui de până la Zurich Classic fusese un loc trei pe podiumul Open-ului Britanic în 2007, loc care i-a şi asigurat participarea în PGA Tour 2008. Acum a obţinut un "exemption" până în 2010. Şi are de gând să o folosească.

Iată rezultatele finale:

1ARGAndres Romero-13|
2AUSPeter Lonard-12|
3NZLTim Wilkinson-11|
T4IREPadraig Harrington-10|
T4USAWoody Austin-10|
T4USANicholas Thompson-10|
T7USATim Petrovic-9|
T7USAJohn Merrick-9|
T7USATommy Armour III-9|

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