Tiger won the last 3 Buick Invitationals before this weekend and was the favorite to do so again.The tournament this year was special, because the South Course at Torrey Pines will also host the US OPEN in June; so, many players who usually don’t show up for this event, were here to check out the course on which 3 rounds of the 4 were played.Each player got to tee up on the South Course and on the North Course, in the first two rounds and those who made the cut played two more rounds on the South Course.
-The second and third rounds were all about Tiger Woods as he cruised into an 8 shot lead ahead before Sunday with a 65 on the North Course and a 66 on Friday. The long awaited duel between Phil Mickelson and Tiger was also postponed for another tournament (maybe the Masters) because of Phil’s disappointing second round of 1 over 73 probably related to his breathing problems earlier in the week.
-The final round on Sunday was much tougher with forecasts predicting showers and winds increasing in speed over the day.But despite the low number of under par rounds, the people got their money’s worth as Ryuji Imada who finished second for the tournament made some incredible birdie putts from well over 40 feet, Rory Sabbatini, who finished tied for third with Stewart cink, also collected some loud roars from the crowds with an eagle on the 72nd hole of the tournament.But the shot of the round was made by who other than Tiger Woods who sank an improbable 60 foot birdie putt on 11th.It’s not the first time he has made those.The green had a good slope towards the hole so he put it way right of it and as it lost speed, it changed direction and went down the slope in the hole, with a 90 degree angle with the previous direction.The people went wild. That was a real PGA TOUR moment.
Here are the final results:
1 Tiger Woods -19 > 67 65 66 71
2 Ryuji Imada -11 > 69 72 69 67
T3 Rory Sabbatini -9 >68 69 69 73
5 Justin Leonard -7 > 76 68 65 72
T6 Phil Mickelson -6 > 70 73 68 71
T6 Joe Durant -6 > 70 70 67 75
Ryuji Imada, enjoying an excellent final round
Tiger Woods, fist in the air after the 60 foot birdie putt
Copyright © Associated Press
“Oricine a pariat împotriva lui Tiger Woods în câştigarea acestui turneu, nu s-a uitat la golf în ultimii 12 ani...” a spus unul din gazdele transmisiunii PGA TOUR Network pe postul de radio XM 146. Şi avea dreptate.
-A doua şi a treia rundă au fost dominate de Tiger Woods care a clădit un avans de 8 lovituri înaintea zilei de duminică cu un scor de -7 (65) pe traseul de nord şi -6 (66) vineri. Mult aşteptatul duel între Phil Mickelson şi Tiger a fost amânat pentru un alt turneu (poate la Masters-ul din aprilie), din cauza unei runde a doua dezamăgitoare de 1 peste par (73) datorată probabil problemelor de respiraţie avute spre începutul săptămânii.
-Runda finală s-a dovedit a fi mult mai grea pentru concurenţi, cu previziuni meteorologice sumbre şi o briză puternică din larg. Cu toate că numărul rundelor sub par a fost simţitor mai mic decât în zilele precedente, spectatorii au avut ce vedea, căci Ryuji Imada, care a terminat turneul pe locul 2, a reuşit câteva putt-uri extraordinare de la peste 15 metri; Rory Sabbatini, care a încheiat la egalitate pe locul 3 cu Stewart Cink, a adunat şi el ovaţii puternice după un eagle la cupa a 72-a a turneului. Dar lovitura zilei a fost reuşită de cine altul decât Tiger Woods, care a scufundat mingea în cupă după un neverosimil putt de la 20 de metri pentru birdie, la cupa a 11-a. Nu e prima dată când reuşeşte o astfel de lovitură. Green-ul avea o pantă pronunţată, aşa că a lovit mingea mult spre dreapta iar aceasta, de îndată ce a pierdut din viteză, şi-a schimbat deirecţia, coborând panta green-ului până în cupă, la un unghi de 90 de grade faţă de direcţia iniţială. Oamenii erau în delir.A fost un adevărat moment de PGA TOUR.
Rezultatele finale:
1 Tiger Woods -19 > 67 65 66 71
2 Ryuji Imada -11 > 69 72 69 67
T3 Rory Sabbatini -9 >68 69 69 73
5 Justin Leonard -7 > 76 68 65 72
T6 Phil Mickelson -6 > 70 73 68 71
T6 Joe Durant -6 > 70 70 67 75
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